The show is a stunner; written by a man who experienced his father’s, HUMBERTO ALVAREZ, unimaginable courage in the face of crushing historical events that rendered an entire nation of people indescribably helpless.

These are the parallel stories of Mr. Alvarez’ beloved island; the glitz and glamour of Havana nightlife and what was about to bring it all crashing down thunderously on the world’s stage.

The sultry beats of the spectacularly celebrity-drenched-mob-controlled-money-laundering-Internationally-infamous TROPICANA in the 1950s, the danger of Fulgencio Batista’s fall and Fidel Castro’s rise to power, a political revolution, the separation of 14,000 Cuban children from their parents, the longing for a better life that propels people to throw themselves under the cover of a moonless night into the unknown Caribbean Sea; THESE ARE THE EVENTS THAT SHAPED JAY ALVAREZ’ FAMILY’S ESCAPE FROM CUBA in 1964.

General Batista and his army had taken over the Cuban government by force, smothering the Cuban Constitution as they diabolically built a capitalist Shangra-la in Havana.  A plan that went so far south that on January 1st, 1959 Cuba woke up to the reports of General Batista’s midnight escape on a plane that flew out of Havana carrying his cronies and over $300 million dollars.   Within 24 hours Fidel Castro and his rebel army came down from the Sierra Maestra Mountains.

Five years later, on Monday, March 16th, 1964 after excruciatingly innovative strategizing, HUMBERTO ALVAREZ set sail in a boat that just barely held 25 members of his family and life-long friends.

After 30 determined hours navigating the Caribbean Sea, HUMBERTO ALVAREZ delivered his precious cargo to our American shores and freedom.

I guarantee you will be enchanted by this EVENT of a show.